It would seem that late at night is when I tend to get things done lately. Zac and the kids are asleep and while I am more tired than I can say it is nice to have uninterrupted work. I can get laundry caught up, the house picked up, and things done on the computer with no one asking for my attention or undoing what I have done.
I have always been a night owl(much like my mother). I have been much less so since having Caleb and Rachel, but I used to stay up until all hours watching TV, reading a good book, or just getting things done. It is not as fun as I remember since my eyes want nothing more than to shut and sleep well. I wish I could go back to my twenty year old self and say "SLEEP!!! Sleep now, because there will come a time when your body hurts and you are so sleep deprived you think you are going crazy."
None the less, now I am a night owl out of necessity. So for all of my fellow Mothers and wives out there who are up right now working along side me- I love you and keep dragging those feet. Our work is never done!
New Year's Eve
1 year ago